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May Thy Dear Walls Remain – Memoirs of a College Minister at The Sisters Chapel at Spelman College.


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The book focuses on some of my memories as college minister, dean of the chapel and professor of religion over a forty-eight year period. It also attempts to summarize some of the highlights of events that took place in the College and in the chapel during the ministries of the other deans of the chapel and the College’s several presidents.

The Sisters Chapel has been the venue where the voices and talents of speakers, actors, musicians and singers have resounded gloriously. In its nearly eighty years the chapel has undergone several physical changes but its aesthetic character has remained inspiring and it remains the center of one’s identity with Spelman College.

The title of the book is taken from a line in the Spelman Hymn. More importantly, it is a prayer that the chapel shall never be destroyed by time and memory but that its walls shall always remain in the hearts and minds of all who enter it. To this end, our prayer is that it shall always be a repository of memories so great that it will be impossible for one human and one writer’s ability to recapture and recall in one little book

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